Rüstung im Aktien-Check: Jetzt herunterladen & Chance auf EUR 5.000 Gewinn sichern!
Sichere dir jetzt deinen Wissensvorsprung zu Rüstungs-Aktien und erhalte die Chance einen Betrag in Höhe von EUR 5.000 für ein Investment in einen VanEck-ETF oder wikifolio-Zertifikat nach Wahl* zu gewinnen.
Professional financial analyst with 5 yrs asset management track record. Holding period annual returns of 7% to 25%, excluding costs and transaction fees. Focused in buying good businesses. Considering todays market it is more clear than ever before that passive investing is overtaking active investing.
However I believe the next 20 years this phenomenon will turn the other way round and active investing and stock picking will be the new era as passive investing destroys liquidity and creates higher volatility.
The analysis and time spend in order to take a long position in a security takes several months. However after taking the position every 6 months there is a follow up in the companies fundamentals and industries trends and catalysts that this organization belongs.
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