Rüstung im Aktien-Check: Jetzt herunterladen & Chance auf EUR 5.000 Gewinn sichern!
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Portfolio Chart
The trading strategy is based on the concept of fear and greed around earnings announcements. A long position is taken in stocks that experience negative abnormal returns in the 5 days prior an earnings announcement. The position is opened on the day of the earnings announcement and held until the next day. All securities with share prices over $2 that trade on the NYSE, AMEX, NASDAX or Xetra are considered. The aim is to maximise abnormal returns.
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Um das aktuelle Portfolio dieses wikifolios, den wikifolio Chart, alle Kennzahlen und bisherigen Trades zu sehen, registriere dich jetzt – völlig kostenlos.
Informationen zur Zusammensetzung des fiktiven Referenzportfolios findest du hier.