Global Mega-Trends
| xtrendxsetter
Letzter Login: 04.01.2025
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The objective of my wikifolio "Global Market Trends" is to find technologies and market sectors whose potential I believe the broad market has not yet recognised and which I therefore consider undervalued. New technologies and unknown markets are often perceived as risky. In my opinion, however, this is more because they are not yet well enough understood or the true extent of the innovation is not yet visible, than because of the actual risk of an investment. But it is precisely in such sectors that I think there is often a very good risk/return ratio. Finding these technologies / market sectors is the goal of this wikifolio. However, it should not consist exclusively of new technologies, but also of established companies / economic sectors that are currently experiencing a new upswing. As a rule, the weighting of the stocks is to be carried out through a combination of the following points: Trend analysis, risk/reward ratio (e.g. Sharpe ratio) as well as fundamentals (e.g. EBIT). I will also pay close attention to market sentiment, i.e. whether I see predominantly greed or fear in the market, and then invest counter-cyclically. In doing so, I apply social media analyses. Individual stocks can be overweighted to increase the return potential. My wikifolio "Global Market Trends" should be geared towards a long-term return - this means that possible short to medium-term setbacks are accepted in order to increase the long-term return potential as much as possible. Investments can be made in all equities & ETFs / ETPs, as well as all funds worldwide. The general investment horizon should be between 1 and 7 years.
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