I started investing more than 10 years ago when i read my first investment book. For the first 2 to 3 years I had very mixed results, some gains and some loses but at the end of each year more or less my portfolio remained roughly the same. It wasn't until i started asking deeper questions as to why the market makes certain moves that i started to see success and make the right decisions. My strategy is as conservative as you can get, by searching for opportunities that have completed a correction and are starting an uptrend. I have extensive experience with options, stocks, and crypto currencies. My trading frequency usually lasts 1 to 3 months depending on performance. I have a strict trailing stop loss set for 8% , and a strict sell rule for 20% if it has taken longer than 8 weeks to get there. In my portfolio of 100k euros, i will not hold more than 4 stocks at once, with no more than 25% in each investment. I am, a firm believer in taking up half positions for a buy, and then assessing its progression before investing the second half. Overall using technical analysis and charting to understand how the psychology of markets work has delivered exponentially better results.
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Experience in securities trading
Risk class 1:
3 or more years
Risk class 2:
1 to 3 years
Risk class 3:
0 to 1 year
Risk class 4:
1 to 3 years
Risk class 5:
1 to 3 years