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Portfolio Chart
Two mechanical mommentum-following strategies combined (swing reversal or swing continuation), developed for trading stocks on weekly bar-charts. The daily market activity is analysed and pending orders are placed at the end of the week if an important bar has had developed. The campaigns usually last from 1 to 10 weeks, sometimes with 3-5 add-ons when in continuation mode. The stop-loss is usually fairly close to the entry and is never moved, the exit is at a sell signal. The program has one entry rule, two exit rules and one filter.
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Um das aktuelle Portfolio dieses wikifolios, den wikifolio Chart, alle Kennzahlen und bisherigen Trades zu sehen, registriere dich jetzt – völlig kostenlos.
Informationen zur Zusammensetzung des fiktiven Referenzportfolios findest du hier.