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Portfolio Chart
This wikifolio is aimed at short time horizon market price movements caused by various events, such as corporate earnings anouncements, dividend announcement and other market news. We aim to participate on sudden market movements. Trading know-how combines events analysis with fundamental analysis understanding of the underlying assets and their trading environment. Although the holding periods and invested capital may vary, the portfolio is expected to trade intraday with short term to medium term time horizons. The investment universe is thought to be mostly stocks, possibly etfs and options. From the nature of the strategy, there will be times when wikifolio will not be invested at all and retain 100% cash - possibly for multiple days or weeks. Wikifolio is not suitable for beginner investor. On the other hand, investors with long term positions seeking diversification to riskier asset may find it useful.
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Informationen zur Zusammensetzung des fiktiven Referenzportfolios findest du hier.