Momentumstrategie Deutschland
| TraderLady
Last Login: 02/08/2025
Portfolio chart
Trading Idea
Many studies show that above-average returns were achieved with so-called “momentum strategies” in the past. This also applies to the German stock market. It essentially comes down to the idea that stocks that have risen sharply in the past will continue this trend in the future. Specifically, the following approach is planned for this wikifolio: For an observation period (the last six months), the stocks of our investment universe (MDAX, SDAX, TecDAX) are ranked according to their performance, and the available investment amount is then allocated among the strongest titles. This portfolio then remains unchanged during the holding phase (one year). Subsequently, the stocks are sold, and the proceeds are reinvested in those titles that display the strongest momentum at that time. The degree of investment of the wikifolio will therefore likely be always close to 100%. This also applies to periods when the overall market is in a slump. As a result, the prices of the wikifolio may suffer violent interim setbacks in such phases. This is therefore an investment vehicle that appears especially suitable for speculative long-term investors with a holding period of several years. This wikifolio might also be interesting for traders who sell the wikifolio prior to bear markets and re-enter it on a lower base using a correspondingly skillful overall market timing.
This is a non-binding translation of wikifolio.
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