Portfolio chart
Trading Idea
This Wikifolio is based on the evaluation of multiple ratios all together to determine a score for long-term profitability of the stock. This evaluation is based on 9 criteria: 1. Positive ROA; 2. Positive Cash Flow Return on Assets; 3. Change in Return on Assets higher in comparison to last year; 4. Quality of Earnings, determined as the Cash Flow Return on Assets are greater than ROA; 5. Change in gearing lower in comparison to last year; 6. Change in Working Capital (Liquidity) higher than last year; 7. Change in shares in issue lower than last year; 8. Change in Gross Margin is higher than last year; 9. Change in Asset Turnover is higher than last year. Buying only those companies that scored highest on this 9-point scale, over the last 20 years led to a constant average out-performance over the market. The portfolio is integrated with valuable and long-term profitable ETFs.
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